last saturday started with walnut walk, a wharton tradition. i am only going to post one "pc" picture, but think of it as a pub crawl while wearing a costume. costume attire: business on top, party on the bottom. this could be interpreted in many ways. i went with silver leggings. business school is a great way to increase your costume wardrobe. cant wait to reuse these in some crazy fashion in the future.
later in the night, i went up to nyc (passing through new jersey) for a friends birthday. it was nice to reconnect with an old friend from college then followed by the birthday party celebration where i could see a bunch of people from my last job. somehow i missed getting a picture with the birthday girl, but here is a pic from the night. (state count: 3)
sunday night was back to philly prepping for classes for the week. the quote of the week goes to my obnoxious economics professor (note: he has enough obnoxious comments to start a whole blog). "for you berkeley grads, i included a female, male and gender neutral name in the example for you." he has also been known to remind us that the class is all about him, not us. other than that, classes were uneventful this week.
boxing continued to be a mainstay this week - hitting up two sessions. boxing is quite the workout! everyone is dripping in sweat each session. imagine an hour cardio circuit with no breaks or water, while getting told to constantly push harder.
friday was the women in business conference. some interesting speakers, but if i have to hear about mentors and sponsors in one more q&a session, i might kill myself.
saturday, i went down to dc for my college friend/sorority sister, jen's wedding. before the wedding, i got to hang out with my roommate from college, lauren, who had been living in macedonia for the last two years. prior to the wedding i went out to maryland to see her house and three kids (and she has one on the way) - they are adorable! we then went to the wedding at georgetown;s church, where the bride's parents had also been married. this was followed by a reception at a hotel just across the river in virginia (state count: 5 + dc). once again, failure on my part regarding pictures. i did manage to get one with lauren, but not with the bride. however, at the wedding, we did do the kappa tradition of "oh, pat" so that should be an interesting video in the future.
sunday, i had brunch with two of my friends from my study abroad program who live in dc. it was so nice catching up with megan and sara and had definitely been way too long. we went to kafe leopold - even though it was german, we pretended it was belgian, after king leopold. (note: failure on the picture front, again)
sunday afternoon i returned to philly to crank out some work for the week.
in other exciting news...
1. sailing club - i got into the sailing trip, so in early november i will be heading to annapolis for a two day sailing course/expedition
2. wine club - i was selected to be one of the first years on the board - area of coverage: social.
other: while in nyc, i did manage to walk by my FAVORITE food truck. i was smart enough to avoid consuming a delicious belgian waffle though!
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